About Bob Goodyear

More Than a Geek!
Bob Goodyear is a communications expert
for technical professionals.
He’s a contributing author to the book, “World Class Speaking in Action,” where his chapter is entitled “Tell a Technical Tale.” He’s also a geek who speaks. He has written, managed and sold software since he was 17 years old. Most recently, he has been coaching technical sales people and engineers on how to improve their presentation skills.
Bob speaks to and coaches experts in any field about how to make their message easier to understand. A key element of this is to eliminate the technical jargon, or “Geekinese,” in their presentations. Another principle he teaches is how to use stories in any presentation. While many experts struggle with this, Bob provides a formula that anyone can use to create an easy to understand presentation. He illustrates how to construct a story for every point. By the end of Bob’s session, the audience will have a simple formula to create their own presentation along with an easy-to-remember way to create memorable stories for any presentation.